Friday, May 25, 2012

Always Something New

Well this week was district week up here on the Hill. For all of you who have no idea what that means, it’s basically a week set aside for members of Congress to return to their districts for events, constituent meetings, and to get a chance to see their families. During this week we take time to slow down and catch up on letters to constituents, tours, and phone calls. To my surprise, dogs are actually allowed in the office during district weeks, which always seems to make the office surprisingly fun.
Something that has been all the buzz this week in our office was the launch of the Space X’s Falcon 9 rocket and its unmanned Dragon capsule which marked the first time a commercial spacecraft has been sent to the International Space Station. It is considered a test flight; the capsule was packed with a load of groceries and other supplies, but if all goes well with this mission and others like it, commercial spaceships could be carrying astronauts to and from Earth to the space station in three to five years!
Over the weekend, I plan on checking out the National Holocaust Museum. I have heard from a number of people how moving it is and how it is definitely something I should see. I do remember parts of it when I had went with my family a long time ago, but it will definitely be an eye opening experience from what I have heard.
Something that I always seem to look forward to is giving tours to constituents. Being that I am one of the three staffers that are from the district, I feel that I play a role in making a personal connection with the constituents. I try to keep in mind that because I am giving the tour, I am representing Congressman Posey, which I always feel honored to do each and every day. And it’s constantly a good feeling when the constituent sends a letter or email commending the interns on a job well done.
For the people that know me personally and know my ambitions, know that politics has a possibility of being in my future. While being in the office this week, I had the opportunity to speak with some of staffers about the future and whatnot. One of the staffers suggested I do some research on Congressman Aaron Schock of Illinois. Surprisingly I have found that the Congressman is very easy for me to relate to, someone that I plan on following and supporting, and hopefully someone I will have a chance to meet while in Washington. Schock was elected to his county’s school board at the age of 19, and then at the age of 23 was elected to Illinois House of Representatives. Then at the age of 30 he was elected to the United States Congress. Schock is both the youngest currently serving U.S. representative and the first member of the Congress born in the 1980s.
As most are well aware, this weekend is Memorial Day weekend. Memorial Day is a day of remembering the men and women who died while serving in the United States Armed Forces. Please take time with your family and friends to thank our veterans who have served and pray for those who are fighting for our freedom across the world.
I hope that everyone enjoys their extended weekend, if you have one. Please stay safe. If you guys want to know about anything in particular please comment below. I want to make this enjoyable for you guys too!
 God Bless the United States,
Wesley Davis

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Getting in the Swing of Things

I apologize for the lateness of this post. For everyone that has some sort of knowledge of Capital Hill, you will know that there is always something going on.
These past couple weeks have been my first weeks while the House has been in session. And while we are in session, everything is much more fast pace. I have known Congressman Posey for a while and have helped on past campaigns. However, I have not had a chance to actually see him while being an active Congressman, and from what I have seen, I know that my district couldn't have a better representative. Mr. Posey is one of the most personable Congressman I have yet to meet. Every day he walks through the front office door with a smile on his face and wastes no time with getting his day started. Always asking, when he has time, staff what constituents are calling about, what their concerns are, and what our personal thoughts are on a variety of issues.
Recently I had the chance to take a tour of the White House with Mrs. Posey. For all of you that know me, it will come as no surprise to you that I was just about speechless the whole time. To have the opportunity to tour the President's residence was hopefully not a one-time opportunity, but one I will never forget. Just the sheer idea of how many historical laws were signed into place, how many Presidents, Heads-of-State, and other historical figures have lived and stayed in this house was just about beyond comprehensible. Once I got over that, it was even more breath taking when I saw the view from the North Lawn. There are no words to describe it. Mrs. Posey did an awesome job as our group’s guide, providing personal stories and facts that made the whole experience so much better. One thing I found amusing was the fact that there is technically not a "back door" to the White House, only the North and South Lawn. Mrs. Posey later told me that this makes it impossible for anyone to "sneak" out the back door of the White House.
 One thing I cannot get enough of is answering phone calls. For me to be able to personally speak with constituents, listen to their problems, and know that I have the power to help someone with an issue couldn't please me more. Aside from that, tours are also something I am beginning to enjoy more and more. Today we had realtors come from our district for a lunch meeting with the Congressman and then a Capital Tour. Because of the size of the group, another intern and myself tag-teamed. Fortunately, I known a couple of the relators, one being Mrs. Vicky Santana, which always makes tours that much better. Being able to connect with constituents on a personal level gives me a sense of accomplishment and gratitude that I will never forget and always enjoy.
As far as legislation goes, recently the House passed the Republican version of the Violence Against Women Act on Wednesday. This version, passed 222-205, offers a plain contrast from the bill passed by the Senate in late April. The Violence Against Women Act was first enacted in 1994. It has been reauthorized twice since then with bipartisan support and very little controversy. The argument from the Democrats was that the coverage was not extended to illegal immigrants and members of the LBGT community. However, House Republicans oppose those changes, saying they were unnecessary because the law already covers all victims.
The Florida Senate race is also a topic that is getting a considerable amount of attention in Florida. With Governor Romney endorsing Congressman Mack, the race seems on the favorable side for the Congressman. However, Florida Republicans will soon have another choice for the Senate seat. Obviously until he declares his candidacy, I am not at liberty to reveal his name. But I give you my word that that race will definitely be shaken up.
On a lighter side, I have made the discovery that almost anything can be delivered in Washington, even groceries. I don't blame you for laughing if you are, but I have actually placed an order online for groceries and they were delivered! It goes to show you that I am easily impressed.
If you guys would like to hear my thoughts on anything specific please comment and I will do my best. Unfortunately I cannot speak on behalf of the Congressman; try to avoid those questions. Hope everyone is having a great summer!

God Bless the United States,
Wesley Davis

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Starting of a New

Well, a week ago I arrived to our nation's capital with absolutely no idea what to expect. While I was riding into the city, I was fortunate enough to have Marine One fly across my path! From that point on, I knew that anything could happen while I was in D.C. As soon as I arrived, Gage Nicholas, another student intern from Florida Southern College, and his roommate invited me on a tour of the Capital Building: it was amazing! 
            Soon after, I decided to do some sight seeing during my first weekend. I started off with the National Air and Space Museum and then to the National Natural History Museum. With this being my fifth trip to Washington, I was already familiar with the basics of the city and had seen a majority of the museums. Still, I figured that it would be a great way to fill my off time. On Sunday and Monday, I went to a majority of the War Memorials: World War 2, Vietnam War, Korean War, etc. Anyone that has been to these memorials knows how moving they can be. The looks on some of the faces there were very emotional and completely moved me. However, one the biggest highlights of my first couple of days was the White House. No matter how many times I visit or who the current occupant is, it is immensely special knowing that the President of the United States is so close to me.
            Then finally Tuesday came around! My first day of my internship! Fortunately, last week was District Week for Congress, so I was told that everything was less hectic compared to the D.C. work week. On my first day, the Staff Assistant gave me a tour of where I would be working and where I would have to deliver things in the future (mainly where I would have to deliver flags). Because an army base is in our district (FL-15), Congressman Posey gets a lot of requests for flags to be bought and flown over the Capital. It is my job to make sure that the constituent's flag is bought and flown. I also had the chance meet all of the staff that I will be working with including another intern that will be helping me out. After all of the introductions were made, I then got started answering phone calls and inputting constituent's data information into our system. 
            As the second day came around, management moved me to the front office. I was really surprised that I was given this great opportunity because I wasn’t the first intern to arrive. Since I’m in the front, it is my responsibility to greet and direct all of our visitors, sort mail, and help out the staff assistant in any way I can. The main task that Tim, the other intern, and myself have been undertaking is going through our data base of constituents and making sure all of their information is up to date. Needless to say, we are still working on that.
            As the week progressed, I had the opportunity to help out Congressman Todd Akin's (MO-2) office in sending out mail to constituents. I had the chance to meet and talk with interns from California and New Jersey during that time, which was an awesome experience as well. That afternoon, we were able to fold and seal over 8,000 letters! And I’m proud to say I was the last intern "standing" in the office. 
            Thursday was mainly work relating to constituent data and answering phone calls. To my surprise, answering phone calls is one of the things I enjoy the most. It is the time when I get to personally talk and listen to our constituents, hear their concerns about our country, listen to how the federal government is effecting their lives, and what Congressman Posey can do to help them out. However, not every phone call is as pleasurable. Sometimes you have deeply unsatisfied constituents call in that are unhappy with the congressman and the federal government. But it is very important that I always think positive and make sure that these constituents know their voice is being heard and that Congressman Posey is doing everything in his power to put our country back on track.
            I would have to say that Friday was the highlight of Washington so far. The staff assistant offered to walk me around the Capital Building to show me places I would need to go that he wanted me to see. To my astonishment, he surprised me by taking me to the House Floor! For me, it was a moving experience. The kind where you stand there in amazement without any words coming to mind to describe it; I was certainly speechless. For me to stand in a room where some of our most historic Presidents have given their State of the Union Addresses and where some of our country’s most historic votes have been cast was completely mind altering. I also had the chance to see the balcony where the President gives his inaugural address and is sworn in. Later that day, I was informed that I would be touring the White House on May 16th!
            All in all, I would say that Washington D.C. is a place that has something new around the corner everyday. Whether it be learning that I am living right down the street from the Capital Hill Club or that I am simply living in Washington D.C! Nevertheless, I know to take advantage of every opportunity I have while interning here and that there are no "stupid" question.
            You may have notice that I titled this blog E Pluribus Unum, which is translated to Out of many, one. While I have been here, this motto has had a great effect to me. It has reminded me that if you are Republican, Democrat, Independent, black, white, Hispanic, a plumber, a member of Congress, a mother, or even the President of the United States, at the end of the day, it does not matter because we are first and foremost citizens of the United States. To me, there can be no greater honor.
            Thanks for reading. There are so many things I could keep going on and on about but I like to keep things short and sweet. If you guys have anything specific you want to hear about, don't hesitate to comment and I'll do my best to answer all of your questions.

God Bless the United States, 
Wesley Davis